“Index Predicament”:the Practice and Reflection on Rural Poverty Governance
中文关键词:  精准识别  技术治理  国家治理  基层治理
英文关键词:targeted poverty alleviation  targeting identify  technical governance  state governance  grassroots governance
刘成良 苏州大学 政治与公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1760
全文下载次数: 1487
      In the poverty alleviation practice, the local government’s behavioral strategy is a key variable affecting performance. Investigation on the practice of precision poverty alleviation policy found that the central government’s escalating governance means create conditions for re establishing the relationship between central and local governments. The local government’s deviation from the national poverty alleviation concept and the strategic behavior after the formation of path dependence are not only easy to produce. The misjudgment of the overall situation has also laid the groundwork for the later policy difficulties. In this context, local poverty alleviation work encounters “index predicament”, that is, local governments have difficulty in identifying the poor households, but only identify them under the constraints of existing indicators. The poverty alleviation work has been caught in a vicious circle of repeated identification and it’s still difficult to realize precision.
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