The Influencing Mechanism of Migration Workers’Child bearing Willingness
中文关键词:  “人的城镇化”  城市融入  农民工  生育意愿
英文关键词:“The urbanization of people”  merging into the urban community  migration workers  child bearing willingness
基金项目:教育部重点基地重大项目 (13JJD820013)
何兴邦 西南石油大学 经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 21173
全文下载次数: 17493
      Based on the data of the China Labor force Dynamics Survey (CLDS) 2016, this research investigates how migration workers’ integration into the urban community affects their child bearing willingness. The results indicate that migration workers’ inability to merge into urban community greatly reduces their willingness of reproducing. The negative effect is most evidently manifested in the migration workers born in the 1980s and from the eastern area. Further research finds out that decreasing willingness to settle down in cities and preference for boys are the two main reasons accounting for the reduced reproduction willingness. “The urbanization of people” whose core is integration is the inevitable trend of China’s economic and social development. By exploring the effect of urban integration on migration workers’ reproduction willingness from the aspects of truth and mechanism, this research aims to give an objective evaluation of the effect of urbanization on fertility, which will improve the scientificity of population prediction and provide factual support and theoretical foundation for the adjustment and optimization of population policy.
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