The Economic Growth Effect of Fiscal Expenditure
中文关键词:  财政支出  经济总量  经济增长  扩张效应
英文关键词:expenditure  economic aggregate  economic growth  amplification effect
蒋育燕 华南农业大学 公共管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 21644
全文下载次数: 17891
      To clarify the economic growth effect of fiscal expenditure in Guangdong province, firstly, a cointegration and an error correction model are constructed based on the time series data of Guangdongs per capita fiscal expenditure and per capita GDP data package from 1990 to 2014. Secondly, the data are processed and analyzed by Stata software. The results show that the amplification effect of Guangdongs fiscal expenditure on economic growth is obvious. It also has strong time and regional characteristics. Finally, the paper puts forward measures to enlarge the amplification effect of Guangdongs fiscal expenditure on economic growth: (1) Guangdong should continue to increase its fiscal expenditure to ensure sustainable and healthy economic development in the future; (2) Guangdongs fiscal expenditure should not only focus on the present, but also on the future; (3) Guangdongs fiscal expenditure should take into account the Pearl River Delta, western and Eastern Guangdong as a whole and should appropriately direct to the mountainous areas to ensure efficiency and fairness.
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