A Comparative Study on the Changing Yield Trends of Three Major Grains between China and the Major Grain Producing Countries
投稿时间:2024-05-31  修订日期:2024-09-28
中文关键词:  粮食安全  粮食单产  国际比较  全要素生产率;品种
英文关键词:food security  grain yield per unit area  international comparison  total factor productivity  variety
胡瑞法* 北京大学现代农业研究院 261200
李智 北京理工大学 管理与经济学院 
黄季焜 北京大学现代农学院 
摘要点击次数: 126
全文下载次数: 0
      The yield of major grain crops is not only the important indicator of food security, but also the important embodiment of scientific and technological progress. This study compares the yield changing trends between China and the major rice, wheat and maize producing countries in the world during the past 60 years. The Tornqvist index method was used to measure the changes in total factor productivity and input-output index was used to analyzes the reasons of the changes in yield of rice, wheat and maize yields in China. The results show that since the reform and opening up, China's yields of the three major grains have shown different trends in growth compared with those of developed countries, and that this difference is related to differences in the government's R&D system and the adoption of new technologies.China has not adopted genetically modified (GM) maize technology in time to further widen the maize yield differential with the United States.The seed companies, dominated by multinational corporations (MNC), focus their variety development on the hybrid maize, which are easy to protect intellectual property rights, and the development of varieties such as wheat, which are difficult to protect intellectual property rights are neglected by MNC.As a result, the wheat yield in the United States increases more slowly than that in China. The commercial production of GM maize has widened the yield gap between the countries such as the United States and Brazil and that in countries that have not approved the commercial production of the technology. The total factor productivity per unit area of the three crops increased the fastest in wheat and the slowest in maize.The increase of the three crops yield is characterized by labor saving and capital substitution of labor.
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