钱昭英,李元豪.数字鸿沟何以加剧山区农户农产品销售收入不平等[J].,2024,(6):23-35 |
数字鸿沟何以加剧山区农户农产品销售收入不平等 |
Why Digital Divide Exacerbate Inequality of Agricultural Product Sales Income for Mountainous Farming Households? |
投稿时间:2024-06-30 |
DOI:10.7671/j.issn.1672-0202.2024.06.003 |
中文关键词: 数字鸿沟 山区农户 农产品销售 收入不平等 共同富裕 |
英文关键词:digital divide mountainous farmers marketing of agricultural products income inequality common prosperity |
基金项目:贵州省哲学社会科学规划课题(22GZYB19) |
摘要点击次数: 208 |
全文下载次数: 58 |
中文摘要: |
基于2023年贵州省数字乡村试点县522户农户的微观调查数据,实证分析数字鸿沟对山区农户农产品销售收入不平等的影响及作用机制,并进一步探究其异质性问题。结果表明:数字鸿沟显著降低了山区农户农产品销售收入,并扩大中低收入农户与高收入农户之间的农产品销售收入差距,山区农户之间马太效应显著;数字使用沟会显著加剧山区农户农产品销售收入不平等,而数字接入沟与数字知识沟对山区农户农产品销售收入不平等的影响并不显著。机制分析显示,数字鸿沟通过阻碍信息渠道获取和限制农户议价能力,提高农户的交易成本,使得山区农户无法均等享受数字红利,进一步加剧山区农户销售收入的不平等。异质性分析表明,相较于老年组、高人力资本组、大规模经营农户和外出务工农户,数字鸿沟加深了山区的青年组、低人力资本组、小规模经营农户和无外出务工农户的销售收入不平等程度。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the micro-survey data of 522 farm households in the pilot counties of digital villages in Guizhou Province in 2023, we empirically analysed the impact and mechanism of the digital divide on the inequality of sales income from agricultural products in mountainous areas, and further explored its heterogeneity. Reaserch results show: The digital divide significantly reduces the sales income and widens the gap in sales income of agricultural products between the low-and middle-income households and high-income households, and there is a significant horse-trading effect between households; The digital usage gap intensifies markedly the disparity in sales income. Conversely, the digital access gap and the digital knowledge gap exert a relatively minimal influence on the inequality of sales income of agricultural products among mountainous farmers; The digital divide can increase farmers' transaction costs through the intermediary role of hindering access to information channels and reducing farmers' bargaining power, making it impossible for mountainous farmers to enjoy the digital dividend and further exacerbating the inequality sales income; Heterogeneity analysis shows that,compared with the ederly group, the high human capital group, large-scale operating farmers and non-agricultural employed farmers, the digital divide has deeped the inequality in sales revenue of the youth group, the low human capital group, small-scale operating farmers and agricultural employed farmers in mountainous areas. |
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