Measurement and Evaluation of Livelihood Resilience of Poverty-stricken Population in Western Ethnic Areas
中文关键词:  西部民族地区  脱贫人口  生计韧性  返贫风险预防
英文关键词:Chinese western ethnic areas  poverty-stricken population  livelihood resilience  risk prevention of poverty-returning
黄静 四川大学 公共管理学院四川 成都 610065 
韩松言 四川大学 公共管理学院四川 成都 610065 
摘要点击次数: 118
全文下载次数: 45
      Based on the reality of the livelihood development of the poverty-stricken population in the western ethnic areas, an evaluation system for the livelihood resilience of the poverty-stricken population in the western ethnic areas is constructed with three major factors: livelihood capital resilience, livelihood environment resilience, and livelihood strategy resilience.BP neural network and factor analysis are combined, we comprehensively measured and compared the livelihood resilience level of 1786 stable poverty alleviation households and 171 monitored poverty alleviation households in 17 counties (cities) of Liangshan Prefecture.The results show that: the overall resilience of the poverty-stricken population in the sample areas is moderate, but there are differences in the resilience of different types of poverty-stricken population between and within regions; Livelihood capital resilience is the most important factor affecting the overall livelihood resilience of the poverty-stricken population in the sample regions, and low capital resilience is the main vulnerability risk faced by both types of poverty-stricken population.Compared with the stable poverty alleviation population, the physical capital resilience of the monitored poverty alleviation population is poor, but the natural capital resilience is stronger. Compared with the monitored poverty-alleviation population, the livelihood resilience of the stable poverty-alleviation population in the sample regionof the market environment is lower, but the resilience of the policy environment is higher. The livelihood strategy resilience of the stable poverty-stricken population in the sample region is generally higher than that of the monitored poverty-stricken population. The former has higher production and management resilience, while the latter has higher migration and development resilience.
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