Rural Population Aging and Food Security:Theoretical Mechanism and Empirical Evidence
中文关键词:  农村人口老龄化  粮食安全  人口红利  粮食需求
英文关键词:rural population aging  food security  demographic dividend  food demand
穆怀中 辽宁大学 公共管理学院辽宁 沈阳 110036 
张冬雪 辽宁大学 公共管理学院辽宁 沈阳 110036 
摘要点击次数: 185
全文下载次数: 56
      This study utilizes cross-national panel data from 155 countries spanning 2000-2021 to investigate the relationship between rural population aging and food security in a global context. It empirically analyzes the impact, mechanisms, and coping strategies of rural population aging on food security, and further examines the heterogeneous effects across different demographic dividend stages and states of food self-sufficiency. The findings reveal that rural population aging has a significant negative impact on food security, primarily through the ″aging burden effect″ and the ″food demand effect.″ The study highlights that fiscal support policies for agriculture, agricultural R&D investment, and education investment have varying impacts on mitigating food security issues under different national characteristics. Specifically, in countries at the early demographic dividend stage and food-importing countries, fiscal support policies are more effective in alleviating the adverse effects of population aging on food security. In contrast, in late demographic dividend countries and food-exporting countries, agricultural R&D investment and education investment play a more significant positive role in regulating food security.
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