Research on the Release Effect of Rural Residents' Consumption Motivation
投稿时间:2024-06-07  修订日期:2024-10-12
中文关键词:  农村家庭金融资产  农村创业就业  农村居民消费  消费动力
英文关键词:financial assets in rural households  rural entrepreneurship and employment  rural resident consumption  consumer motivation
冉希美* 西南大学经济管理学院 401331
王定祥 西南大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 0
      Based on the 2019 China Household Finance Survey data, this study explores the release effect and mechanism of changes in rural household financial assets on the consumption motivation of rural residents. The research results indicate that the accumulation of financial assets in rural households significantly promotes the release of consumption motivation among rural residents, and a series of robustness tests support the reliability of the conclusion. Mechanism testing shows that the accumulation of financial assets in rural households has promoted the release of consumption motivation among rural residents by promoting rural entrepreneurship and employment. Further analysis reveals that in terms of consumption structure, compared to medical and other consumption expenditures, the accumulation of financial assets in rural households significantly promotes consumption expenditures in food, clothing, housing, life, transportation, and education; Compared to survival oriented consumption, the accumulation of financial assets in rural households is more conducive to unleashing the driving force of development oriented consumption. In terms of heterogeneity, the release effect of rural household financial asset accumulation on the consumption motivation of rural residents is more pronounced in the eastern region and second tier cities. The release effect of rural household financial asset accumulation on the consumption motivation of households with female heads, high cultural level, and high income level is stronger.
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