Recovering Nostalgia: Path of Rural Hollowing Governance under Guidance of Self-Governance by Administration
中文关键词:  农村空心化  行政引领自治  城乡转型  乡村振兴
英文关键词:rural hollowing  administrative guidance forself-governance  urban-rural transformation  rural revitalization
赵益晨 华中师范大学 中国农村研究院湖北 武汉 430079 
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全文下载次数: 38
      The current new changes in the urban-rural relationship have brought new opportunities for the governance of rural hollowing in the process of rural revitalization. Viewing from the relationship between administration and self-governance, combined with case comparisons,it is found that to solve the hollowing problem in rural population, land, and culture, a resonable direction is to use administration to guide self-governance to achieve organizational restructuring, responsibility reshaping, and value rebuilding. However, at the same time, to achieve a positive relationship between administration and self-governance,continuous hardware investment in administrative power is needed, attention should be paid on the profound impact of traditional nostalgia on the social, economic, and cultural connections of villagers from a larger temporal and spatial perspective.Starting from the logic of action, the logic of interest, and the logic of identity,rediscover villagers’nostalgia in their own practical development, so as to better involve villagers’participation as self-governance forces, thus upgrading the governance efficiency of rural hollowing under the effective guidance of self-governance.
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