Abstract:The northern part of Guangdong Province is located in the transition zone of the southern,and mid-subtropics.There are 3.68 million mu(1mu=1/15 hect.)of cultivated land in this area which is high in light energy,rich in rainfall,very mountainous and hilly and sparsely populated.It is a region with high potential for development.After analysis of the characteristics of the natural conditions and agricultural production in Northern Guangdong,we evatlued the ipoten al of eight main crops and subtropical pattrn of multicropping.This paper indicates that:(1)The utilization of light energy and thermal potential of rice and sugar cane(in the southern part of Northern Guangdong)is high.They are the local dominant crop(2)The multicropping system consist of early rice with late rice,peanut,sweet potatoe corn etc.and sugar cane continuous cropping.The double cropping and triple cropping in paddy field is high yielding in Northern Guangdong.Important factors having marked influence upon the potential in farm land production are as follows:(1)Low temprature in the earlyspring have an effect on rape and wheat.(2)"August drought" and "September-October 'Han Lu' wind" have an effect on late rice and autumn cropping.(3)Luck of agtoecological view point,and neglect in integrating economic,(?)and eco logical benefits.(4)Low land utilization rate(5)Low sequential cropping index.(6)Lack of organic fertllizeand bliad application of fertilizer.The Key measures for exploiting crop production potential are the following:(1)To construct fields resistance to drought and wind.(2)To design multicropping tem revolving around inert ase in rice yield.(3)To establish a high yielding plant population in the field.(4)To adopt scientific diagnosis when applying fertilizer.(5)To improve the soil fertility level by application of organic and inorganic fertilizers.(6)To select good varieties.