Abstract:According to the methods of type-R principal component analysis and fuzzyIS ODATA cluster analysis,the studied area was divided into 5 climatic types basedon 16 itenis of meteorological data from 385 counties.The method of stepwisediscriminant analysis was used for giving discriminant functions to types and sho wed89.35 % accuracy. Considering the result of fuzzy similarity priority ratio,the main re-gio ns fo r intro ductio n o f S lash pine(Pinus elliottii Engelm)in China was divided into 3 climatic regio ns and 4 climatic sub-regions, namely,clinlatically most suited,climatically suited and climatically less s uited regions for introduction,damp-hotclimatically most suited sub-region,humid climatically most suited sub-region warmclimatically suited sub-region,telnperate climatically suited sub-region.Each of theseregions was discussed;