Abstract:【Objective】 The contents and annual variations of cytokinins including zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR) and isopentenyl adenodine (iPA) were studied in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere of blueberry, Vaccinium vitis-idaea ‘Northland’ after the application of different soil amelioration materials in pots.【Method】Rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil samples with different root adhesion degrees were collected by rhizosphere soil stripping separation method,high performance liquid chromatography methods were used to investigate cytokinin contents in soil samples.【Result and conclusion】Cytokinin contents of corn stalks mixed with nitrogen fertilizer(k4) were the highest, followed by the application treatments of corn stalks(k3), peat(k2), and no added (k1,control). The general trend of cytokinin contents in blueberry rhizosphere and non rhizosphere soil were Z>ZR>iPA in different periods, such as k4 treatment the Z, ZR and iPA average content was 9.89, 9.76 and 3.57 ng/g respectively, which were higher than 67.9%,84.2% and 105.6% compared with the control, respectively. The annual variations of cytokinins in the root zone of blueberry were traced. The contents of cytokinins increased in early spring and declined in autumn, while between in early spring and late autumn they maintained high levels.